Vince McMahon Quits WWE After Accused of Sexual Abuse By Ex Employee

2024 is off to a big bang. Literally.

WWE boss Vince McMahon is the latest male celebrity to be sued by his victim alleging he did horribly grotesque things to her including taking a poo on her head during sex. These types are accusations are catastrophic for any man especially those in power whether true or false — ask Diddy.

Once the court of public opinion rules it’s a closed case. I’ll never look at wrestling the same again after this.

According to BBC News — Janel Grant alleges Mr McMahon and another ex-executive, John Laurinaitis, sexually assaulted and trafficked her to entice wrestling talent.

Mr McMahon, 78, said in a statement that he had made the decision to resign as executive chairman of TKO, the parent company of WWE.

He has denied the allegations.

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